Friends: Section 001
2007-05-26: Jiao-Hua-Bang 叫花幫 Reunion in
San Clemente, CA, USA
Friends: Section 002
2006-11-19: Jiao-Hua-Bang 叫花幫 Reunion in
Cerritos, CA, USA
Friends: Section 003
Photos taken by Alex & Debbie Cheng on
2007 Aug Norway Cruise, during which they
met by chance with 1974 NTU EE classmates
having their class reunion at the time
Friends: Section 005
2007-09-16, Sunday: Bobby Chen's Baptism at
Bethlehem Lutheran Church
received from Bobby Chen
Friends: Section 006
Creative Arts by Elaine Ouyang, Daughter of
Joe Ouyang, An Ex-Colleague & Good Friend
Friends: Section 007
Lisa Su, Her Family & Her Friends
Friends: Section 008
Chen & Chang Families: Zachary & Grand
Uncle Bobby & Other Family Members
Friends: Section 009
I-Ping Chung: Photo Websites
Friends: Section 013
2007 Year-end Christmas Greetings from
Debbie & Alex Cheng
Friends: Section 017
2008 New Year Greetings from
Pi-Twan Huang 黃碧端
Friends: Section 018
Special Jiao-Hua-Bang 叫花幫 叫花帮 Section:
Reunion Events, Photos, Videos, etc.
Friends: Section 019
2008-01-19: Lunch with the Pao Family in
Shanghai Ju-Fu-Lou Restaurant in San
Gabriel, CA, USA
Friends: Section 020
2008 May: Happy Mother's Day Messages from Friends
Friends: Section 021
2008 May: Bob, Tammy & Family and Some
Old Photos
Friends: Section 022
Wedding (2008-03-09) & Honeymoon: Alice &
Ben Kuo
Friends: Section 023
2008-11-15: Taipei: Bitan,
Bitan Mountain Hike
Friends: Section 027
2009-01-13: Tuesday: Visit to Linda Liu in San
Friends: Section 028
World Friendship Week
Friends: Section 029
2009 Christmas  ~ 2010 New Year Greetings:
Lisa Su with Grand Daughter
le -->
Friends: Section 030
2010 Happy Tiger Year
2010虎年新年快樂    2010虎年新年快乐
Friends: Section 031
Chris Baron, son of my dear friend and
brother in Christ Pastor Don Baron: Running
for State House of Representatives, District
18, Hawaii
Friends: Section 032
The Chu Family: Photos in 1965 and thereabout.
Also in respectful memory of Mrs. Wei-Zhi Chen Chu
, my Ganma (乾媽), who passed
away in 1965 in Taipei, prior to my departure for
the US from Taiwan
Friends: Section 033
Gary Fang Lee (李方) and Friends Hiking at
Qingshan Waterfall (青山瀑布)How I Envy You
Ladies & Gentlemen: Hiking Each Weekend
for Health & Enjoyment
Friends: Section 034
Bill Waung with daughter Blessing Waung on
Friends: Section 035
Helena Yau's Article:
"Beautiful Blue Eyes---Croatia"
Friends: Section 036
Happy 70th Birthday, Dr. Liang-Rong Hsu:
Congratulations on A Lifetime of Outstanding
Achievements: Career, Marriage, Family, etc.
Friends: Section 037
2011-08-10: Joanne Peng: Hsu Bei Bei in
Canada (1997-09-03)
Friends: Section 038
2012-07-14: Said goodbye to Ho-Ma-Ma
Friends: Section 039 (PPS version)
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year based
on outstanding photography by my friend Dan
Yuan, who became a professional
photographer when he retired from a
distinguished career in engineering
(PPS version with music)
Friends: Section 039b (PDF version)
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year based
on outstanding photography by my friend Dan
Yuan, who became a professional
photographer when he retired from a
distinguished career in engineering (PDF
Friends: Section 040
In Memory of Chung-Le Lily Yuan 王中力
Friends: Section 041
2013-02-22: Cerritos: Jiao-Hua-Bang
Friends: Section 042
2013-06-18: In Memory of Zhou MaMa 懷念周
媽媽: 媽,好走  (by Gary Chou 周希誠 毛頭)
Friends: Section 042
2013-06-18: In Memory of Zhou MaMa 懷念周
媽媽: 媽,好走  (by Gary Chou 周希誠 毛頭)
Friends: Section 043
Friends: Section 044
Friends: Section 045
Friends: Section 046
Friends: Section 047
Friends: Section 048
Friends: Section 049
Friends: Section 050
Friends: Section 051