Bill Lee Writings   李偉宗 文章
Bill Lee Writings   李偉宗 文章
Father's Speech at Daughter's Wedding in September, 2003        
Bill Lee        2003-09-27
女兒婚禮上父親之講話       李偉宗        2003-09-27
Father's Speech at Daughter's Wedding in September, 2003
Bill Lee        2003-09-27
女儿婚礼上父亲之讲话        李伟宗        2003-09-27
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Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends and Relatives and Honored Guests:

Thank you all for coming here to this beautiful island of Maui for the wedding of Cynthia and Gene! We'd like to express our sincere gratitude and
welcome to you all.

Some number of years ago, on May 22, at 1:44 PM in the early afternoon, when Dr. Lawrence and his nurse brought out  from the delivery room
a baby girl for me to see in Cedar Sinai Hospital in Hollywood, I couldn't help shedding my tears of joy. The moment I met Cynthia for the first time,
I vowed to give her the best in the world. I also decided to raise her in such a way that she would be independent and capable of thinking for
herself and on her own and making her own decisions in life. As a baby Cynthia seldom cried. In fact, she was smiling all the times, to people as
well as to herself.

I remember on that spring day, when Cynthia was around 10 months old, Daisy and I brought her to Knott's Berry Farm in Anaheim, along with
Auntie Angel, Uncle Peter and their daughter Isabelle, and while there, Cynthia walked for the first time. I can still visualize the way she smiled and
giggled and walked unsteadily toward me and into my arms. I felt such pride in her that I muttered to myself: "This is my little princess!".

Over the years, Cynthia has tuned out exactly that: very much independent, very much able and willing to think for herself and on her own and
make her own decisions. She pretty much has given herself much that she has. I guess perhaps the best I've given her is her independence, her
ability to think for herself and on her own and make her own decisions. Ever since she graduated from Columbia, I've seldom worried about her.

Cynthia has grown over the years and met Gene, in whom I see a decent human being, a true gentleman, a capable professional in the IT
industry and one with whom I feel comfortable about entrusting Cynthia. A while back when Gene wrote me an email asking for my blessing in his
proposing to Cynthia, I wrote him back immediately and without the slightest hesitation gave him my blessing as well as that of Daisy.

I hope and pray that Gene and Cynthia will treasure each other and hold on to each other throughout their life together. Each from a different
background and of a different heritage, Gene and Cynthia will learn to complement each other and perform the addition of one plus one equal to
much more than two, rather than subtraction.

As in any marriage, honeymoon will always be over. Things will not always be rosy and passions may fade. However, as a part of marriage,
friendship, partnership and companionship will last.

By the way, Daisy and I were married in the month of September some 36 years ago and as of this moment we are still very much married and it
looks like we will continue so into the future.

May God bless Gene and Cynthia and their marriage. Thank You, Lord Jesus!

Thank you all again for attending this wedding! My best wishes to you all!  God bless and you take care!

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2003-09-27: Father's
Speech at Daughter's
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2003-09-27: Father's
Speech at Daughter's